What’s the Deal with Japan’s Tanuki Statues?
If you’ve traveled anywhere around mainland Japan, you have probably noticed these statues that resemble a raccoon with huge balls. Besides the very noticeable balls, the tanuki statue appears to have a round belly with a straw hat on and sometimes they will have a sake bottle, and promissory note, among other items. So what’s the deal with Japan’s Tanuki Statues? 🦡

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Table of Contents
ToggleThe Real Tanuki
Yes, the tanuki, often referred to as a raccoon dog by westerners is a real animal. Tanuki’s are not related to the raccoon that are native to North America. In fact, they belong to the same family as wolves and foxes. The tanuki is mostly nocturnal but they can be active during the day. Takuni’s have curved claws and are known to climb trees.
Although I don’t have any photographs of live tanuki’s, I’ve seen a tanuki on a couple occasions. Most tanuki’s I’ve seen have been at night. On a road trip we took to Takayama, Jill and I were headed to a waterfall to photograph, during the middle of the day on a mountain pass we saw a tanuki run across the road, stand on his hind legs, and stare at us for several seconds.
Many roads on mainland Japan have warning signs to watch out for Tanuki’s crossing the road.

Japan's Mythical Tanuki Statues
When traveling in Japan, you might see a real tanuki. But you are more likely to see the statues of the mythological tanuki. You will see statues of tanukis near houses, shops, parks, basically everywhere.
The history of the tanuki is old. The tanuki is even mentioned in old Japanese folklore. In folklore, the tanuki is said to be a shape shifter with powers that are supernatural. In early folklore, the tanukis would shapeshift into a human and haunt or play tricks on other human beings.
After tanukis were first mentioned in early folklore, they were later mentioned as being tricksters. The tanuki was said to use magic on travelers. Today the tanuki is cute, cheerful, and wise, and can bring success to people.
Over time, the tanuki’s appearance has changed. The giant pair of balls on almost every tanuki statue was added during the Edo period. In various stories the testicles are described in many ways and have various uses. Now a days, the tanuki testicles are just as popular if not more so then the past. The balls are shown in modern art and even in cartoons like Studio Ghibli.
If interested you can find cute Tanuki statues and a wide range of them on Amazon.
The Tanuki's Special Traits
Other then the gigantic testicles seen on Japan’s tanuki statues, there are 8 traits in total that are said to bring good fortune to businesses. I read and listened to several sources and all 8 traits are pretty standard throughout the internet. 🦡
- The round belly of the tanuki indicates bold and calm decision making.
- The promissory note at the tanuki’s side signifies trust and confidence.
- The bottle of sake is there for virtue.
- The tanuki’s tail means steadiness and strength.
- The large balls oddly enough represent financial luck.
- The large eyes are for seeing the capability to judge the environment and making positive decisions.
- The straw hat on the tanuki’s head represents readiness and protection against weather.
- The large grin on the tanuki stands for its friendliness towards customers.

Where to Buy Tanuki Statues
Tanuki statues can be found and bought all over mainland Japan. I bought one at a souvenir store while on a short trip to Miyajima near Hiroshima. I also purchased one for my parents at a pottery shop in Himeji. I’ve seen tanuki statues for sale in almost every city and town around mainland Japan.
Tanuki statues can even be purchased on Amazon.
I have this Tanuki Statue at home and love it. The quality is very good, size is perfect, and it has all my favorite characteristics of the tanuki.
Feel free to browse here for the different Tanuki Statues sold online. Some are definitely cuter then others.
Anything made by Shigaraki Ware will be of good and original quality made in Japan.
The Tanuki will forever hold a special place in Japanese folklore and culture. The tanuki is a symbol of financial luck, prosperity, mischief, readiness, strength, confidence, and so on. Because of this, you will see the tanuki statues all over mainland Japan especially in front of homes and businesses. The tanuki is one of my favorite symbols of Japan and they embody the culture and spirit of Japan.
Enjoying my photos and want to see more? Check out my Picfair Store.
Plan Your Trip: 🗺 ✈️🇯🇵
Booking Accommodations ⛺️ 🛖
For booking recommendations on the best deals and locations, check out Agoda or Booking.com
Activities and Tours 🏖 🚁
Find fun activities and things to do through Tripadvisor. If you are looking for tours and day trips, Viator and Get Your Guide have a lot of great options.
In need of a car rental? 🚗 🚘
I recommend checking with Rental Cars.
Train Travel 🚂 🚊
For the JR Pass, tickets can be purchased on the JR Pass.
Tanuki Statues 🐾
Besides finding the Tanuki Statues in shops across Japan, you can find several on the Amazon Website.

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