About Us

My name is Brandon, I was born in Germany, lived most of my life in the United States and am currently working and living in Japan.
I spent my childhood in Germany. Whenever my parents had vacation, as a family we would drive to various countries around Europe. We drove up through the UK, visiting England and Scotland, we took a cruise from Venice, Italy to Athens, Greece, and had so many other memorable travel moments. So I grew up traveling, thanks to my parents!
I don’t really have a travel style, I’ve traveled with family, have had great solo adventures, and now I explore the world with my wife, Jill (we got engaged in Belize).
Jill grew up in a small town in Eastern Nebraska, but is no stranger to traveling. In fact, she’s been to more continents then me! We are both Geography majors and literally our love of maps brought us together!

Why We Love to Travel
Zimmin Around the World has always floated around my mind. After my trips, I always used to do a huge photo dump on my Facebook account. Friends and family always loved viewing my photos but there was no backstory to them. I had to explain where we went and what the photos were of. I wanted to create a blog so I could share both my photos and experiences with family and friends. I wanted to share what I learned on my travels with the rest of the world through photos, experiences, and what I learned while on my adventures. I felt like presenting my travels as a blog would be a lot more interesting then just a huge collection of photos with little to no information.
We’ve found, we learn so much about a place, its culture, and history by being present and immersing ourselves in the destinations we travel to. Our interests are continuously changing. We try and experience as much as possible and eat/drink our way through countries.
Being geography majors, we’ve found traveling to be an educational experience. There is only so much you can learn about a place through research. By exploring a destination, booking tours, talking to locals and experts, and being curious you really start to see how misinformed many of us are about the world and how little we really know about our planet to include the environment, its history and its people.
Our main goal for starting this blog is not only to showcase photography and show off all the places we’ve been to. But I really want to share our experiences and what we’ve learned while traveling. Did you know that the Mayans were not really called Mayans? Or calling a civilization Inca is not entirely correct? Yeah, we didn’t know this either! We will provide our very own recommendations on food and drinks, destinations, sites to see, how to get there, and fill you in with what we’ve learned.
The photos of us below were taken in:
Busan, South Korea
München, Germany
El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Caracol Mayan Ruins in Belize